The Ranch School is nationally accredited through a reputable organization called The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). It takes two to three years to meet their stringent requirements and once a school is ACSI accredited there is a review process every five years. We have completed our second five-year review and we are pleased to report that the Ranch School received outstanding results.

Quotes from the ACSI Team
“This is the highest review we have ever given a school. Keep up the good work!”
“A visit to CMR has been a totally unique experience for each member of the visiting team. The ministry is one which should be replicated across the United States, but, sad to say, is very rare.”
“Every member of the staff was enthusiastic about their position at CMR and the opportunity they have to make a difference in the lives of the students and their families. Their care and concern for the spiritual, emotional, physical, and academic well-being of the boys on campus is evident.”
Quotes From Parents During the ACSI Interview
“The difference is love. No child is falling through the cracks. They are challenged and held responsible for their choices.”
“Went from a 0.2 GPA, now striving for A’s and B’s.”
“Caring and family atmosphere.”
“I have learned a whole new language. They taught me to communicate.”
“The anxiety of public school was ripping him apart. We found someone to be on our son’s side.”
Major Commendations
- The board and executive leadership team carefully fulfill the responsibility of practicing good stewardship with the finances of CMR, the school, and the residences.
- CMR has a guidance department that provides specialized services designed to launch students back to their families and back to a public or private school.
- In addition to the signed documents, staff members exemplify a passion for Christ, for students, and for Christ-centered educational processes.
- CMRCS has a comprehensive classroom management/behavioral management philosophy and policies that are implemented effectively and communicated to the school community.
- The facilities are secure and suitable for the size of the school; the school environment is monitored and maintained to ensure it is conducive to the instruction and development of the whole child.
- The CMR board, administration, faculty, staff, and student interactions and communication reflect the attitude of Christ.