The reason my family went to the Ranch was because we couldn’t sit in the room without arguing with each other. We were struggling with communicating and I was using drugs, being disrespectful, and disobedient.
The Ranch has taught me how to respect adults and authority. My family has learned to talk about how we feel and interact in a respectful manner. Since I have been at the Ranch, I was able to go on a trip to Wyoming and while there I was able to horseback ride, hike, and fly fish. Each summer, the Ranch boys go to Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters and I was able to white water raft for the first time there.
Being at the Ranch has taught me about Christ. July 27, 2023 was a special day for me, it was the day I came to Christ. The reason I came to Christ was that I felt alone, unhappy, and dissatisfied with myself. I know God has great things ahead for me.
~ Gio